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About us

Story Vizcaíno Laboratories was established in 1943, as an individual company dedicated to supplying drugs to the national pharmaceutical market. The World War II era,…

Arik 10gr 30 sobres

Description: Arik® contains hydrolyzed collagen as the active ingredient. Collagen is a natural product and one of the most abundant components of the skin and bones, reaching up to 33% of the total mass of proteins, whose function is to give shape, resistance, flexibility and thickness to collagenous tissues, within which are the osteoarticular system (cartilage, ligaments and tendons) and the protection system such as the skin and fasciae (connective tissue that supports, protects and shapes the body). Arik®, due to its properties, has a very high percentage of oral absorption, which improves the contribution of nutritional levels required by the body. Recent studies have shown that the intake of hydrolyzed collagen stimulates the regeneration of tissue collagen and the extracellular matrix. Indications: Arik is indicated to improve joint health without side effects. It has been found effective in reducing joint pain at a daily dose of 10g and can also prevent damage to the joint space over time. Active Ingredient: Hydrolyzed Collagen

Broncomiel 120ml jarabe

Description: Broncomiel is a honey-based cough syrup. Indications: It is mainly recommended to combat the cough of influenza, bronchitis, laryngitis and to relieve the whooping cough. Active Ingredient: Garlic Extract, Thyme Extract and Honey.

Broncomiel 240ml solución oral

Description: Broncomiel is a honey-based cough syrup. Indications: It is mainly recommended to combat the cough of influenza, bronchitis, laryngitis and to relieve the whooping cough. Active Ingredient: Garlic Extract, Thyme Extract and Honey.

Broncomiel 60ml jarabe

Description: Broncomiel is a honey-based cough syrup. Indications: It is mainly recommended to combat the cough of influenza, bronchitis, laryngitis and to relieve the whooping cough. Active Ingredient: Garlic Extract, Thyme Extract and Honey.