Use of chamomile in the treatment of periodontal diseases

MSc. Ana Vara-Delgado1* Dr. Rodolfo Sosa-González2 MSc. Clara Sonia Alayón-Recio2 MSc. Nismely Ayala-Sotolongo3 Dra. Giselle Moreno-Capote2 MSc. Virginia del Carmen Alayón-Recio

There is a range of natural products, among which are phytotherapeutics, where chamomile stands out to treat inflammatory periodontal disease due to the anti-inflammatory, healing, antiallergic, analgesic, antiseptic and bacteriostatic action of this plant. Chamomile has been shown to also act on dental plaque, main risk factor for periodontal disease and is used for the treatment of processes acute and chronic periodontals.

Chamomile is native to many European countries, and is grown in countries such as Germany, Egypt, France, Spain, Italy, Morocco, and in parts of Eastern Europe. The various chamomile plants are very different and require their own set of conditions to grow. Its properties, therapeutic actions and active ingredients vary from one species to another.